Hot Water Submersible Drainage Pumps
The heavy duty centrifugal submersible drainage pumps US 73
and 103 HE/HES are suitable for dealing with very contaminated
water and capable of handling solids up to 30 mm particle size
without stones. These pumps can be used wherever wastewater
up to 194°F (90°C) is involved, such as in laundries or automatic
laundrettes, or in industrial dishwashers and washing machines
or for the emergency overflow of heating systems.
This range of pumps is suitable for stationary use. For easy
removal of the pumps from deep sumps we recommend the use
of our guide rail systems which provide ease of maintenance and
inspection. A controllable oil chamber and wear-resistant
special mechanical seal ensure a long service life. The integrated winding thermostats protect the motor from overload.