MM Range
The Mono MM pump has a compact design due to its use of a single rotor, universal drive coupling. The pumps are also robustly constructed to ensure reliable operation and a long service life. These are progressive cavity pumps, which means that there’s a moving part, the rotor, within a fixed chamber, the stator. When the rotor turns, a progressive cavity is formed which draws the liquid towards the discharge end of the pump.
The MM spins at 1,450 RPM and has a capacity of up to 350 gallons (1590 litres) per hour at zero bar pressure. The pump can operate at up to 3.45 bar pressure with a throughput of 198 gallons (900 litres) per hour. This, combined with smooth action and quiet operation thanks to a rubber stator, makes for a quiet-running pump that’s ideal for domestic applications such as cellar drainage and garden sprinkler systems.
The MM is suitable for many other applications too, including septic tank and cess pit emptying, water supply from wells, rivers or streams, as well as pumping non-aggressive chemicals and diesel. It’s self-priming and can suction-lift up to 25 feet (7.5 metres), which means that the pump can be mounted in an accessible location that’s well clear of the liquid being pumped. The MM weighs in at 17 kilos and its 0.37 KW motor can use a standard single-phase electricity supply or a three-phase if preferred.
Using the progressive cavity principle means that Mono MM pumps can maintain a steady output pressure along with a non-pulsing flow. The latter is especially important in applications such as pumping heating oil to burner nozzles and for other industrial processes that require consistent delivery.